Thursday, June 05, 2003
Let the Sunshine In!

It's been a beautiful week of sunshine here in Seattle. I've been able to frollick outside every day this week. The forecast continues to call for fantastic weather through the weekend!

Now while all this wonderful weather makes me happy, it's not been so nice to my knitting or the traffic. I have attempted to remedy this situation by knitting while literally sitting in traffic. Yesterday a 20 minute drive home took me an hour and 20 minutes. So while we were sitting with no hope of ever moving again, I knit a few rows on Chloe's hat. It's looking fantastic!

I also got in 32 laps in the pool last night. My goal was 40 laps but when you are 20 minutes late into a 60 minute workout, you only get 32 laps.

I'm off to let the sunshine in!

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