Monday, April 04, 2005
Weekend Review

The weekend is never long enough to accomplish all that I want to do! And I always end up wasting so much of it (which is very enjoyable).

On Saturday my friend Andi (Mother of Roux) had a birthday celebration which of course meant, PRESENT TIME! So after thinking and thinking, I decided to create a "Roux Photo Album" for her. I found a photo album at Pottery Barn and then made my way to the stamp store where I found a cute little frame. Inside, I placed various photos of Roux, all of which made me giggle. He is a fun dog!

Here is how it turned out:

Andi said she loved it! And the party was SUPER fun! I had a really, really good time!

I also spent some of the weekend (between family visits) knitting on my rabbit. It is almost ready for the seaming!

Tomorrow, a review of Mot and I's visit to

Uwajimaya! It is like visiting a foreign place without leaving the city. I love it!

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