Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Rooted

Sunday Scribblings - Rooted

She is not rooted to any one place but she is rooted to many people. She has connections to people around the world from London to Brazil and Seattle to San Diego. She keeps her roots in the hearts of the people she knows and loves while leaving the places she’s lived behind her. Like the wind, she is a memory in the souls of many and when her gentle breeze comes by, they smile with delight. Her kind of wind is almost always welcomed by those who recognize it.

I fight against being rooted but I am rooted to this place. It is my soul that remains un-rooted. It is my soul that floats along the land seeking its right place while my body remains in one place. I want to become un-rooted but my roots keep drawing me back to the same place. I’m drawn back because the place holds the people I am rooted to. They are the ones that keep me rooted where I am and if they ever left, I’m sure I’d go with them. Even though I know this, my soul fights against being pinned down. My soul needs to be un-rooted to thrive while my heart needs its roots. So, I will allow my soul to roam on vacations and my heart to remain rooted at home in its current reality.

We are two un-rooted souls who are rooted together by our hearts. Without the other, we would wither and no longer prosper. We live far apart in actual distance but live close together because we are rooted to the other. Being rooted isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it is our roots that keep us grounded to the other.

Sunday Scribblings - Rooted

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