Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pinterest Thursday - Teacher's Gifts


Waaaaaaaayyyyy back in June, I made these simple gifts for Molly's teacher and my parent educator. I wanted to do something for these two special people who really helped us (ok, mainly me) through a rough year. My parent educator was a godsend. She gave me advice and grace for dealing with my Father's death and more importantly gave me direction on how to talk to my children about his death. I was really at a loss and she guided me through it so knowledgeably.

I unfortunately waited until the last minute to get their gifts together and I didn't want to fall back on a Starbucks gift card (though if you give one to me, they are VERY appreciated because I always need more caffeine). I spotted some beautiful succulents at the grocery store and quickly snatched them up. Once I got home though, I couldn't figure out how I was going to present them. Off to Pinterest I went!

Once there, I found these awesome printable tags which I quickly printed up and glued onto the front of some cards that I had. Inside I wrote a heartfelt note and then tied them around the succulents with some string. Molly's teacher and my parent educator loved the plants which made us very happy.

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